4 July 2020

 link do omówienia w języku polskim

 The seminar for Warsaw teachers with the participation of 3 teachers from 3 schools in the European Union countries:

Croatia, Osijek,  Osnovna škola „Tin Ujević”.

Mirjana JERKOVIC – is a teacher advisor with more than 20 years of teaching experience as an English and German teacher, trainer and translator. She has worked in the secondary school,  delivered courses at the university and she is currently working in the  primary school „Tin Ujević“ in Osijek, Croatia. Mirjana is the co-author of  the national “Spelling Bee” competition, project coordinator of Erasmus projects, ˝Peace on the Move˝ project by Evens foundation and a teacher facilitator for digital storytelling. She has participated in eTwinning projects, received the European Quality Label and the eTwinning School Label and delivered teacher development workshops and lectures on national and international level on topics such as interculturalism, positive conflict management, key competences and lifelong learning, project implementation and technology use in the classroom. She aims to promote tolerance, muticulturalism, sustainable proactive behaviour in both her school and local community.

„Tin Ujević“ i san elementary school. More information in the presentation by Mirjana JERKOVIC. Link.

Italy, The Romagnoli school, Gela, in the South of Italy – in Sicily.

Tiziana FINOCCHIARO – writes:

I am a foreign language teacher, and Head teacher for the school Digital curriculum in a secondary low school. My passion for digital teaching has led me, over the years, to achieve formal recognitions and to start experimental teaching and the flipped-class.

As a teacher trainer, I am very concerned with digital matters, and I have been working to train teachers in cooperation with educational organizations and agencies to strengthen the implementation of motivating and inclusive educational approaches, supported by technology.

I have recently cooperated with Eniscuola at a national level, supporting more than 350 teachers from all over Italy in starting distance learning and innovative teaching. 

Being on duty for all EU funded projects (PON, FSE, FESR), I have also been involved in the Erasmus+ programme since 2014, both as a coordinator and as a teachers trainer on methodological matters and European topics; training events were hosted in Faro (Portugal), Loches (France), Bremen (Germany), Burgos (Spain), Warsaw (Poland) - this meeting was hosted by WCIES and European Parliament. 

In October 2019 I was awarded an Erasmus+ national prize for good quality practice in the Erasmus+ programme. At the moment, I also collaborate with the Italian Erasmus+ N.A. for general projects assessment. I coordinate the area of adult lifelong learning for the national project “The Youth City Factory” - Con i bambini. Some essays in French on innovative teaching have been accepted by an editor to be published on a methodological handbook for teachers.

 School. The Romagnoli school is a secondary lower school, with a population of around 900 students. It is located in GELA, in the South of Italy. It is an area which lacks in economic resources but it can count on a well trained staff. More in the presentation by Tiziana. Link.

Romania, Mihail Sadoveanu”, Theoretical Highschool in Bucharest.

Florin Cristian BALOTESCU - is a writer, scholar and 1st Degree teacher of Romanian Language and Literature for secondary and high school students. He is the author of the volume ”Spațiul poetic. Revoluții, emergențe, mutații / Poetic Space. Revolutions, Emergences, Mutations (Bucharest: Tracus Arte, 2018), a book that is the result of his PhD in Philology and reviewed here: http://phantasma.lett.ubbcluj.ro/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/CaieteEchinox36-2019-pp.375-436-book-reviews.pdf. He co-authored the experimental fiction ”Splendor” (Cluj-Napoca: Dacia XXI, 2011) and is a constant contributor to the Romanian literary and cultural reviews ”Steaua”/”Star” and ”Caietele Avangardei”/”Avantgarde Papers”, a journal dedicated to the study of the Avantgarde movement. He contributed to the collective volumes: Romanița Constantinescu (ed.), „Paupera, fabula rasa” (Bucharest: Editura Universității, 2005); Antoaneta Tănăsescu (ed.), ”Erotographos 50+1. Scrisoarea de iubire, dragoste, amor” (Bucharest: Ars Docendi, 2009); Ruxandra Cesereanu, (ed.), ”Poveștile Duniazadei, ale sclavei sale Rașazada și ale regelui Șahzaman/The Stories of Duniazad, Her Slave Rashazade and King Shachzaman” (Bucharest: Tracus Arte, 2012); Simona Popescu (ed.), ”Foarță 70” (Pitești: Paralela 45, 2012),  ”Athanor” (Papers of Gellu Naum Foundation) and Ruxandra Cesereanu ed., ”Herta Müller, un puzzle. Studii, eseuri și alte texte”/”Herta Müller, a Puzzle. Studies, Essays and Other Texts,” Cluj-Napoca, Școala Ardeleană Publishing House, 2019, with the text ”Herta Müller – The Poet as a Stalker to the Free Zone”. He published in English ”The Porous Space or How to Trespass Space as the First Frontier”, Echinox, no. 38/2020. As a teacher he participated in Erasmus+, eTwinning projects and MOOC.